Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hello there

Howdy folks!'ve you been. All you die hard fans of mine I know you would've missed me. Well actually....Splotch...Splotch...plunk...plunk...whoa...whoa...whoa......

****Shielding rotten tomatoes and stones from a couple of curious, unfortunate souls who stumbled upon this junkyard(even that is an overstatement) from a blessed one's blog!****

Phew.......that was tough!

Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie
Which we ascribe to heaven.

Says William Shakespeare. Well in spite of the fact that the only thing that comes to my mind when you talk about him is this tamil joke(to be pronounced 'mokkai') relating to Hamlet and Omlet(I think my south indian readers will be able to appreciate this better....
*Splotch*), I am going to take it serously and not give up so easily. I am going to strive hard to load this space with more and more crap.

*** Hey hey I see the finger. Dude it's the wrong one. It's the thumb that's gotta come up now***

Oh yeah I know what those red eyed angry looks mean. "You says this everytime. You're so not going to do it." No. This time I am not just saying it. It's coming form the heart. I solemnly pledge to constantly fill this cursed space with more filth, more carp and as I would like to call it more and more drivel.

*splotching begins*

Guess I gotta run. Okie then readers...hang in there and I'll catch ya all soon.


Dodged That !


Blogger Aswin Rao said...

Oh yes, yes! I'm hanging in there!
Here are a few ideas to blog on:
1. A review on Kuruvi
2. How and what you really feel(uncensored) about Little Super Star Simbhu.
3. All time favorite comedy tracks.
(Pandiarajan from Aan pavam?Senthil & Kounder from Karagattakaran("Sinima Nadigai Swapna Sundari"???)
4. All those in-between dialogues from movies like Panchathanthiram which we tend to miss and discover only after we've watched it the 27th time?

You are welcome.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Aswin Rao said...

Or even better: A blog dedicated to the legendary tamil actor Sam Anderson!

10:30 PM  
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