The egoist !
I am thinking about...
hitting the gym from next week
I said...
last week that I'll do the above from this week
I wish...
I could bunk work tomorrow and get sloshed on Budweiser
I miss...
those rocking hyd days
I hear...
irritating noises of pop-up messages on my roomie's comp
I wonder...
if I can ever get rid of my back pain
I regret...
flunking miserably at high school
I am...
without the slightest qualms, the laziest person I've ever known or heard of
I dance...
I sing...
not as horribly as I dance
I cry...
when I see my poonal photos where I am as thin as thin can be
I am not always...
irritable but I get really pissed off when somebody(with very little exceptions;-)) wakes me up with loud music or TV or open windows
I write...
I confuse...
others when they ask me to take decisions for them
I need...
to control my temper when I hear those grumpy good mornings from Mr. V(More on this personality coming up)
I should try...
to get my driver's license before my roomie kicks my ass out of his car
I finish...
a big fat burger two hours after a supposed heavy lunch(C'mon dude it's two full hours!)
I tag...